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Do you have a query, suggestion or would like some more information about investing with NorthInvest? Fill in the contact form below and our team will get back to you.

Looking for our investment application form? Click here to apply.

Looking for our angel investor applicant form? Download our applicant form here. 


Visit our UKBAA
Angel Hub

Run in partnership with the UK British Angels Association, the Angel Hub at Bruntwood’s Platform is a reinvention of a Leeds landmark right at the heart of the city, designed to bring together creatively-minded businesses and drive collaboration and innovation.

Members of the Angel Hub

  • Access to meeting facilities and hot-desking facilities.
  • Access to local innovators and entrepreneurs.
  • Training and development programmes for new and experienced angel investors.
  • Opportunities to access deal-flow and attend sector specific pitch presentations.

Membership is open to angel investors and prospective angels, investment funds, private equity and online investment platforms, and non-investment professionals that bring demonstrable value to the investor community.

To apply, please visit the UKBAA Leeds Angel Hub website.